Representation Alignment for Generation: Training Diffusion Transformers Is Easier Than You Think

1KAIST    2Korea University    3Scaled Foundations    4New York University
*Equal Advising.   
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Generative models based on denoising, such as diffusion models and flow-based models, have been a scalable approach in generating high-dimensional visual data. Recent works have started exploring diffusion models as representation learners; the idea is that the hidden states of these models can capture meaningful, discriminative features.

We identify that the main challenge in training diffusion models stems from the need to learn a high-quality internal representation. In particular, we show:

The performance of generative diffusion models can be improved dramatically when they are supported by an external high-quality representation from another model, such as a self-supervised visual encoder.

Specifically, we introduce REPresentation Alignment (REPA), a simple regularization technique built on recent diffusion transformer architectures. In essence, REPA distills the pretrained self-supervised visual representation of a clean image into the diffusion transformer representation of a noisy input. This regularization better aligns the diffusion model representations with the target self-supervised representations.

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Notably, model training becomes significantly more efficient and effective, and achieves >17.5x faster convergence than the vanilla model. In terms of final generation quality, our approach achieves state-of-the-art results of FID=1.42 using classifier-free guidance with the guidance interval.


Alignment behavior for a pretrained SiT model

We empirically investigate the feature alignment between DINOv2-g and the original SiT-XL/2 checkpoint trained for 7M iterations. Similar to prior studies, we first observe that pretrained diffusion models do indeed learn meaningful discriminative representations. However, these representations are significantly inferior to those produced by DINOv2. Next, we find that the alignment between the representations learned by the diffusion model and those of DINOv2 is still considered weak, which we study by measuring their representation alignment. Finally, we observe this alignment between diffusion models and DINOv2 improves consistently with longer training and larger models.

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Bridging the representation gap

REPA reduces the semantic gap in the representation and better aligns it with the target self-supervised representations. Interestingly, with REPA, we observe that sufficient representation alignment can be achieved by aligning only the first few transformer blocks. This, in turn, allows the later layers of the diffusion transformers to focus on capturing high-frequency details based on the aligned representations, further improving generation performance.

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REPA improves visual scaling

We first compare the images generated by two SiT-XL/2 models during the first 400K iterations, with REPA applied to one of the models. Both models share the same noise, sampler, and number of sampling steps, and neither uses classifier-free guidance. The model trained with REPA shows much better progression.

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REPA shows great scalability in various perspectives

We also examine the scalability of REPA by varying pretrained encoders and diffusion transformer model sizes, showing that aligning with better visual representations leads to improved generation and linear probing results. REPA also provides more significant speedups in larger models, achieving faster FID-50K improvements compared to vanilla models. Additionally, increasing model size yields faster gains in both generation and linear evaluation.

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REPA significantly improves training efficiency and generation quality

Finally, we compare the FID values between vanilla DiT or SiT models and those trained with REPA. Without classifier-free guidance, REPA achieves FID=7.9 at 400K iterations, outperforming the vanilla model's performance at 7M iterations. Moreover, using classifier-free guidance, SiT-XL/2 with REPA outperforms recent diffusion models with 7× fewer epochs, and achieves state-of-the-art FID=1.42 with additional guidance scheduling.

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    title={Representation Alignment for Generation: Training Diffusion Transformers Is Easier Than You Think},
    author={Sihyun Yu and Sangkyung Kwak and Huiwon Jang and Jongheon Jeong and Jonathan Huang and Jinwoo Shin and Saining Xie},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.06940},